Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Yay Christmas!

Getting into the Christmas spirit is easy as pie for moi, because it is one of my most favorite times of year! I adore Christmas songs...the beautifully decorated stores and homes...twinkly lights and the sparkly feeling in the air.

I LOVE it! I don't even mind Christmas shopping, because we don't go crazy, but I do enjoy the bustle of the folks scurrying along to pick out the perfect gift. I also don't leave things until last minute, so I can enjoy my experience.

Growing up was the BEST, because we would sometimes celebrate two Christmases. One in Calgary with Gran and Gramps and every other year we would go to Winnipeg to visit moms family. Both were wonderful...but quite opposite. Calgary was a bit reserved...quiet, peaceful and nice. Winnipeg was crazy fun...my mom has a huge family and they all live close to each other and get together over the holidays. Boxing day there would be about 10 open houses...and the crew would start at one home and fill themselves with delectable little appies, and a spirit or two...then on to the next house...there must have been 100 or so folks. Everyone would move at their own pace so no ones home ever got too crowded...it was so exciting. We always remembered which house had the best pop, food, and goodie selection. It was wonderful.

My cousins lived out in rural Winnipeg and had a lot of land AND a snowmobile! Back then, Mark, Kristyn, Shayne and I would ALL fit on at once, and we would drive around singing Christmas carols at the top of our lungs as we gazed up at the stars.

The other fun thing about celebrating Christmas with a big group in Winnipeg was the singing. Mom's family LOVES to sing...none of them are good...but damn do they have fun! Since I love singing myself, it was always so exciting to flip through page after page of carols, singing and laughing all night.

Whether we celebrated Christmas in Calgary or in Winnipeg, it was always wonderful. There was always a warm crackling fire, wonderful goodies and treats, music and a lota love. Yes, there were certainly gifts...but that is not what I remember or love most....in fact I don't even remember most of the things I have received...but I just remember the feeling of anticipation...and all of the wonderful traditions.

When we were in Calgary, we got into the tradition of watching all of the Christmas cartoons and movies we had taped over the years....Clay Rudolph, Mickeys Christmas Carol, Grinch, Frosty, Cabbage Patch Christmas, and later on Home Alone...and a few others. Shaynee and I would always sleep in the same bed on Christmas Eve and try to stay up talking and dreaming about what delights the next day would bring. We diligently put out cookies and milk for Santa (still do), and mom and dad tucked us in..hoping that we wouldn't sneak downstairs.

I remember that wonderfully amazing feeling the next morning...Shayne and I would wake up early and sneak down stairs and the floor would be brimming with treasures...our giant stockings bursting at the seams...it was so exciting. We would try to just look at everything and wait...but we couldn't help it and soon we would be running upstairs to wake mom and dad.

One Christmas Eve tradition that I loved, was when we were in Winnipeg, Uncle Mel would always read "T'was the Night Before Christmas" out of an old children's book. He always read it with such enthusiasm...and it just gave you that cozy, wonderful feeling of joy and love.

I think traditions are important and give people something to look forward to...and really helps to create wonderful memories. Ivan and I have started some of our own traditions...an annual party, decorating the tree together as we sip champagne, celebrating with both of our families... That is why this year, I am bittersweet. I hate that word, because it reminds me of a cheesy Harlequin book...but it is the only accurate term I can use to describe my feelings at this very moment. Ivan and I are leaving for a one month journey to Peru and Bolivia....but we are going over Christmas and New Years....so all traditions are out the window.

However, we ARE going away for a month!!!! How exciting....and to make this even more exciting...my wonderful parents booked tickets and will be here tomorrow morning to celebrate an early Christmas!!!!! I am so excited...I have planned out the whole 5 days and we will be eating a nice family Christmas dinner this weekend. Then next week I go to Toronto to see baby brother and have a little celebration with him as well!!!!

What more could a girl ask for...off to bed I go...sweet dreams and enjoy!

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