Friday, November 5, 2010

Silver Tea

This morning I made the mistake of bringing my stainless steel mug filled with hot water to my hot yoga class. I think it actually started boiling during class because its so hot in the room! Why would I do such a thing you ask...well I didn't think about changing the water when I went into class. You see, I drink a cup of hot water every morning...first thing I do after getting out of feels wonderful on the tummy and gets things a movin!

My grandma got me onto this years ago. She has been drinking hot water for probably 50 years, and she is going to be 92 in January and is still beautiful! She always says that it is great for your skin and your digestion and she is living proof because her skin still looks amazing for 92!

I started drinking hot water about 10 or so years ago, and most likely will continue forever. I don't drink coffee, and only have about 1 cup of green or roobios tea a day, and I detest cold drinks (well unless is a cool glass of white) so my drink of choice is hot water OR if in Bikrams, room temperature water.

This often makes people feel uncomfortable and look at me sideways when they offer me coffee or earl grey tea or water with ice, and I reply no, could I make some hot water?.....there are a few of us out there who drink this beverage otherwise known as "silver tea" and you can add a slice of lemon and a drop of honey for flavour if you wish...but its just as lovely plain. My hubby even enjoys it with me now, and my parents drink it often. Mom puts a few slices of fresh ginger in for even better digestive benefits.

So if you are trying to cut back on that nasty caffeine habit but crave a warm drink in the winter (or anytime...other than in hot yoga) I encourage you to try a cup . In fact, try drinking a cup of hot water every morning before you eat for one month and see how you feel...good luck and enjoy!

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