Thursday, November 11, 2010


My FATHER sent me an EMAIL today.!!!!! This may seem like something normal to you....but for ANYONE who knows my father, you are probably aghast! He didn't actually type anything, but he sent me a forward....I couldn't believe my eyes! I feel like the world has changed as I know it...and I feel inspired that people can do things that they said they would never do. Nothing is permanent....anything is possible.

My father and his father were dead set against the Internet and email and basic forward progression of technology (quite frankly I don't blame them). Although my father loves the microwave...if the new technology doesn't involve food...forget it.

He has been in business for himself for many years and garnered much success by using couriers and fax machines. And he said he would continue to run his business this way....if it ain't broke don't fix it, type thing. My mom, bless her heart, prints out every one of my blog entries for him to read. Now he hasn't quite gotten the hang of actually going onto the Internet yet....but I feel optimistic...imagine how much paper they would save.

So mom went on a trip to go and see her family back East, and showed pops how to retrieve and forward emails(yes, he does have an email address...but his assistants would only use it). Can you believe it...the man who still has our T.V. from 1980 in the living room (it still works...although I am sure its the radiation that monster emits that is the cause for our chronic bad breath)...the man who returned his blackberry for an old cell phone because it was too confusing, the man whos cousion gave advice to my husband in a speech on our wedding day saying "don't send your father in-law an email.....he doesn't know what that means" this very same man...sent me an email today! I am going to just relish in the feeling of optimism for humanity and our future. Enjoy.

1 comment:

helen said...

that is awesome!!! I felt the same way when I saw a facebook friend invitation from old anutie Iris...82 years old!!! This is a lady that was raised in, and still belongs to that cult I was raised in. They don't have tv's or go to movies!! So I did warn her about the language she may run into..but she said she up for that!! You watch..your Dad will be emailing you soon or at the least reading yours off the screen!