Monday, November 15, 2010

Light and Fluffy

These are the terms that should best describe freshly whipped cream and homemade cakes...but today I realized that my HAIR is light and fluffy. Definitely NOT the adjectives a woman would wish their hair described.

I long for cascading, long wavy hair. I can look at any woman, and if she's got good hair...then she is probably considered hot. Bad hair?...better have a damn good face. My hair is light and fluffy...even when I spend 10-20-30 minutes trying to style it.....I end up putting it up in a twist, because, quite frankly, it ain't cascading.

I try to grow it out...only to have stringy, piecy hair. I think Denise Richards has amazing hair...she has amazing everything really....biiiiaaacch! Catherine Zeta-Jones equally amazing a classier, less slutty sort of way.

Now, I realize that a lot of these women have hair extensions...and I have really never wanted to go down that route...I like being of the real, natural variety. Not into surgery, or injections....not even fake nails. That said, perhaps I am a hypocrite because I do highlight my hair and wear makeup. Hubby says I am crazy and that he loves my hair...but would he really say different..not unless he was wanting to sleep in the proverbial dog house.

It's crazy, because I think you can talk to almost any woman, and they will say...ugggg I hate my hair drives me nutz, I wish I had.... My girlfriend Irena has amazing hair...and she thinks she has "the worst hair in town" grass is always greener right? Perhaps extensions one day...perhaps not.

But to make myself feel better, I must tell you, I made penne with lamb sauce tonight and it was delicious. had left over ground lamb kicking about...fried it up with a little bacon, onion, garlic, crushed tomatoes, paste, bay leaf, sprig of rosemary, a splash (or 4) of red wine, a pinch of brown sugar.....a perfectly delightful dinner...that was most certainly NOT light or fluffy at all.

So the moral of the happy with what you have, and if you aren't - make pasta , drink wine and Enjoy!


Unknown said...

You're crazy. Seriously. You have great hair!!! It's a weird complex you have cause I guarantee woman wish they had your hair. I really can't fathom for the life of me what in blazes you're seeing that no one else sees. Maybe your eyes need checking. I don't tell you this because I'm trying to stay out of the dog house, I tell you this because it's true. It's one of the things I find most attractive about you. So, get over it please, once and for all. Otherwise that one thing I find so sexy and beautiful about you is going to be diminished. Oh, and it was a great lamb pasta dish too. Just another one of those great qualities about you.

helen said...

I was describing you to my best friend the other day and the two things that I stressed about your looks was a) your beautiful dark eyes and b) your beautiful shiny matching dark hair. There is no dog house here or agenda....and when she saw your picture..she totally agreed with me!!