Saturday, November 27, 2010

DONT DO (prescription) DRUGS

How many medications are you on? any? If so...have you ever thought about attempting to alter your "dis-Ease" with whole foods, exercise and natural medicines?

I know this is a controversial subject, and I do not profess to be an expert whatsoever...but all I can say is that I don't get sick...I haven't popped a pill for 10 years or more and have found that any sort of discomfort I have experienced in life...can usually be cured with sleep, yoga, nutrition and willpower.

This was another thing that Wayne Dyer spoke about the other night...that the world (especially America) seems to believe that everything can be cured by a drug. People are incorrect however..... they may be able to suppress symptoms, mask illness, and find temporary relief, but.... if bad enough the root of the cause will return.

Again, I am not a doctor, nor am I a trained naturopath, but it seems more like common sense to me. It really upsets me to see pills and medication ADVERTISED on t.v. This is disgusting. Only Australia and the United States are legally allowed to advertise drugs on T.V. Unfortunately for us Canadians, we also get U.S. channels, and we all know the power of advertising works. Look at the dish soap under your sink, the brand of laundry detergent you use, toothpaste, shampoo...what kind of computer are you staring at right now....we live in a world where we watch too much t.v. and are highly influenced by what is on there. I am no different...although I watch very little t.v. I'll be the first to try out that new mascara that promises to make your eyes look like a models.

But why the eff must we be subject to hearing about anti-depressants..or any such prescription drug (that if you listen close enough to the list of side effects...sometimes includes increased risk of suicidal thoughts and higher risk of death) WTF....don't you think depressed people are having a rough enough time without INCREASED thoughts of suicide. I personally went on anti-depressants when I was in college because I was going through a rough time in life...and I felt psycho on them. Having my mom come to stay with me for a month was much more of a helpful cure than those stupid fricken pills! (thanks mom) Had I of known then what I know now...I would have encouraged myself to start eating more healthfully (instead of pizza pops and KFC--it was university..what can I say). I would have started taking better care of myself by getting exercise...and the myriad other things that can help...books, friends (the positive, healthy ones), yoga, massage, treating yourself to something nice once a week....etc etc.

So today I was watching one of my cooking shows and a commercial comes on for yet, another new drug, that you apparently should take on top of taking an anti depressant....apparently an anti-depressant alone is not enough...but now you should be taking this other drug and that will really help you....I wanted to barf. The sad thing is, that because we live in a society that craves instant gratification...taking a pill is the easiest...we have become so lazy, that we mindlessly pop a pill instead of getting our butts up off the couch to exercise or do something to take care of ourselves. It's really sad....and these commercials look lovely....gorgeous women and men laughing having a good time with all of their this drug and you could be just like me? SICK!

I would encourage you, next time your doctor prescribes you do a google search and find out all of the negative effects of that drug..and see what natural remedies you can find instead. Many illnesses and diseases are caused by stress and being over weight....try changing your lifestyle instead, and maybe you will actually cure yourself instead of just hiding the symptoms, while potentially compromising another part of your precious body. As we all know, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So if you think that you are taking a drug for may be affecting Y without even knowing it!

Just be aware is all I a little research first and see if you can use some natural measures... because there is so much life to enjoy!

1 comment:

Aryn said...

I left a comment but I don't see it. So I'll do it again!!!

I agree. I too haven't been sick since lord knows when. I don't get sick days (unless my kidney desides to pop out a stone <--but even for that I don't take drugs). Eating right, exercise, getting enough sleep and being mindful is the best medicine anyone could have. But our society loves it's pills and quick fixes. It's easier then putting work into yourself I guess.