Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wayne Dyer Part 2

So back to Mr. Dyer. Manifestation is something that I try to incorporate into my life....I know it works, as it has many times before. I know we all get better with practice...just as in almost anything in life. I first learned of these techniques from the amazing movie and book called The Secret.

Many people watch this and feel its "hokey pokey...fulla crap" but that there in tells you pretty much every thing you need to know about that person and how fulfilling their life is. The techniques are quite simple...but the key is to practice daily. I should be watching that movie every week...reading the book each try and create a positive habit. I have vision boards up in front of me in my office filled with photos of my "ideal life" it is inspiring to gaze upon it.

Wayne takes manifestation to another level...which I have practiced before...but again, I let it this has inspired me to get back on that fabulous train! He believes you should write it down in the present tense..."I am __________" not, I hope to, wish to, will...because all of those denote that you actually "do not". He says that the sub-conscious mind cannot differentiate between that which is reality, or what we BELIEVE to be we must simply believe it is already true. So for example, if you want to loose 10 lbs. Don't write down "I want to lose 10lbs" instead, write down " I am 140lbs and feel great" insert what ever # feels great to you. "I am a successful writer", "I am a wonderful grandmother" (I think my mom uses this one daily without even realizing it.....I am sure it will work for her one day).

The next step is to breath in while saying to yourself "I am_________" and on the exhale repeat "I am". Ensure you feel wonderful while in the process of manifestation, and you inject passion into it...and believe it will work. As you do this, in your mind point to the piece of paper where you wrote everything down. Don't share your manifestations with anyone, because the moment you do that, says Mr. Dyer, you then have to explain may start to justify it...and you pop right back into the ol egoic know the one, that natters to you all day filling your brains with "what if this, what if that...I should this and you should that...the one that strangles you with fear and keeps you in that nice safe little box...the one that prevents you from achieving your dreams" bottom line...keep it to are entitled to whatever you desire!

Now the final key to manifestation in Mr. Dyers eyes is that it must feel natural. For example...if my manifestation is "I am a six feet tall black man who is an NFL champion" well...that simply doesn't feel natural (not without a shit load of surgery anyway). So be sure your manifestations feel natural. And watch what you say dang it....if you go around telling people that you will always be poor...or you are content with your life...then you will start to believe it..and that is just exactly what you will get. You are your thoughts think big...what do you have to loose?

Lastly, Mr. Dyer said that the last 3 minutes before you fall asleep are the most important moments you have to tap into your sub-conscious mind. So instead of rehashing your shitty day at work, or that guy that cut you off in traffic...that client that you want to punch in the head....try doing a silent your attention on all of the things you are grateful for, the life you desire...all of the positive things that make you smile....and try this with your kiddies.

Life is beautiful if you want it to be!


1 comment:

helen said...

Thank you Heather. I do believe I needed to be reminded of this right now at this moment.