Monday, October 4, 2010

Kaffir Lime Leaves

I just made a most wonderful Thai Curry dish! It's from my favorite veggie book (and restaurant) Rebar in Victoria BC. Tonight I made the Monk's Curry (pg 184) and it was delicious!!! My friend Aryn had made this dish for me while camping and I just LOVED it. I have been wanting to make it for a while now, but have had the darnedest time finding kaffir lime leaves. I have looked in every organic, specialty store around and no one had them...not Capers, not Choices, not Greens, not Meinhardts...the only store I finally found them at is the Wholefoods on Cambie....I actually called and reserved some under Ivan's name so he could pick them up for me (what a nice guy). Who knew that you could call and "reserve" food. Well I guess with the prices you pay at these specialty stores, you should be able to reserve!

We served this over brown basmati rice, and made the full recipe so we will have some for tomorrow's dinner too! I am really trying to get in the habit of cooking for 4 people, so we can have some for left overs. It's a hard habit to get myself into, but when I do, its great because it makes life so much easier to have dinner ready, without a thought a few times per week.

Last night we went over to friends house for a lovely dinner and they served home made Veggie pate! How fabulous for a snack...the main ingredient was lentils, along with a bunch of spices, and onion. I will have to get the recipe for that one too, because I really did enjoy!

1 comment:

Aryn said...

Hey! You can also buy them dried, in little baggies that you can keep with your spices. You need to add more then the recipe calls for if they're dried, but they're awesome to have on hand in case you can't make it to Whole Foods. :o)