Friday, July 16, 2010

A trip to the Naturopath

So I went to see a naturopath yesterday! After 3 years of working at the same company...I have never used my benefits plan and I thought it was about time to dang well start!

This particular place is called Divine Elements and I absolutely love the space, their concept and that they are a young and beautiful, happy, healthy married couple who own it!! My last experience at the Ayurveda place was not quite as I was greeted by an overweight, disheveled lady....and the office SMELLED like shit. She brought her ginormous dog to work every day, who probably weighed 500lbs and she had a bird and I think a cat....sick! Uh...Sorry I didn't realize I had come to the fricken Vet!

So Divine Elements was quite the opposite, and a wonderful experience! I am so excited to find out what the EFF has been up with my stomach for so many years, feel more vibrant and energetic..amongst a few other things. The first meeting was an hour long...I filled out an fairly extensive questionnaire, tracked my eating habits for a few days and, the result...for the next 8 weeks we are going to eliminate all major allergens from my diet...see how I feel, then gradually introduce them back, one at a time. Yikes!!!!

So for the next 8 weeks (56 days)...putting me at September 9th 2010, I am no longer able to eat soy, peanuts, citrus, gluten, sugar, red meat, wheat or DAIRY (that's gonna be the toughest for moi...I Love cheese). I have done something similar to this prior to my wedding...and did it for 3 I know I have the discipline..and I'm pretty excited for the challenge...I am doing my best to get Ivan on board...but he really loves cookies, so not sure how long he will last! Plus we have a few dinner parties to look forward to over the summer (one being tonight!)..all I can do is my very best!

So for all you Celiac's out may want to follow along for the next 8 weeks, so I can share my experiences with you... perhaps uncover a few tips along the way and find a way to still Enjoy!

1 comment:

Aryn said...

Hey Heather!!!

Welcome to my world!! That's pretty much what I didn't eat the whole time I was veggie. Except the cheese part. It's actually a pretty easy diet once you get used to the "not" having part. :)