Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 4- Cars, Dentist and Salmon

Yet another day of success..and feeling pretty darn good so far! Today was the usual breakfast, then buzzing around trying to get as much work done as possible before I leave for a business trip tomorrow. I had to go and pick up my car from the shop...a mighty GREAT shop - Ill add! An industry friend of mine's hubby opened up his own shop and he does all of the work himself...and is precise and honest..right down to the very name CARMA Automotive Services. The owner Eric is a fantastic person and great mechanic, so give him a call if your baby needs a little TLC...tell him I sent ya :)

After that, work and more work and barely time to eat...but did take a moment to enjoy a spinach salad with veggies and rice noodles....dang those things are good and so versatile! Worked some more then had a lovely relaxing evening at the DENTIST...blaggggggguuuuugggg....I can't stand going to the dentist...even though the one I go to is very nice and very convenient its always the same...I do my due diligence on my teeth...I brush, I floss...yet STILL every time I go, my gums feel like Texas Chainsaw the chirpy hygienist talks about her boyfriend and her horses, and asks a million if I can answer....why oh why do they do this.

If you are an outgoing, extroverted conversationalist...maybe a dental hygienist is not your calling...perhaps they ought to be hiring mutes...or people who don't want to try and engage you in an enthralling conversation about the bachelorette, while jamming sharp objects in your mouth...I dunno..just a thought??? Actually the hygienist today was quite lovely...I only wish I could have reciprocated the conversation...instead of thinking .....gee maybe she could be a new friend....but with drool dripping down my chin and mouth wrenched wide...trying to answer her questions with my eyes.......I really wasn't at my just wasn't meant to be.....and I couldn't even console myself with cake or pizza...instead it was salmon and steamed veggies with Asian /almond sauce...not half bad actually....I really did quite Enjoy!!!

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