Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm back BABY!!!!! has been forever since I have written..but with good excuse. I am PREGNANT whoop whoop!!!!! I am 13 weeks right now, and because of the risks of miscarriage in the first trimester, women are advised not to tell anyone until they pass the 12 week mark. Sooo...every time I sat down to write in my blog, that meant that I couldn't share what I was truly doing/feeling/experiencing in my daily life....I felt like a fraud. So NOW that we have let the word out...I am thrilled that I can journal my daily experiences of being a newly pregnant lady. This is our first baby, and I must say the past three months have been ..well....exhausting. I have felt nauseous, and extremely tired. Which I have heard is to be expected during the first trimester. Apparently during the 2nd trimester women start feeling vibrant and wonderful with lots of energy. Well week 13 is here and I can't say that I feel any different. I am still enjoying a much needed daily nap (whenever I possibly can) and although the nausea has gotten better, there are still days that I feel a bit gaggy. I have stopped going to Bikram yoga, due to too many controversial opinions....some say the room temperature is too hot (which I believe) while other moms swear by it. Our choice (and I say "our" because Ivan and I like to make a lot of these important decisions together) was to not even risk it. I don't think I have been too much of a monster...but a little "less Heather" as Ivan would put it. Not quite so spunky...and pretty lazy. In fact I haven't been doing any yoga at all...but my wonderful husband has been walking with me almost daily. I love walking, and the fresh air seems to make me feel a lot better. Too much to write in just one, expect to read lots more soon and enjoy!

1 comment:

Aryn said...
