Friday, August 27, 2010

Salt Spring Blackberries

OMG, I cant believe how long it has been since I have written down my thoughts in my beloved blog!!!!!! Every day I see something or do something I want to write about, but things get so busy...especially with all of the travelling I have been doing!

Last weekend took us over to gorgeous Salt Spring Island to visit my brother and sister in law Stefan and Tracy and our nephew Eric. They recently moved there from Toronto, and we couldn't be happier to have them close by. The ferry ride was beautiful...I LOVE riding the ferry...its so relaxing and peaceful and on a nice day, to sit outside...its like being on a cruise! We arrived and immediately went to their ever so famous Saturday farmers market which was so much fun. Lots of artsy fartsy crafts and to look at, but would never buy a giant cast iron bug, or clothes made of lavender....but whateves...some peeps dig it.....I proceeded onto the FOOD! And OMG, was I in heaven....tomatoes every color of the rainbow...we snacked on fresh local cheeses and even bought a few....a gorgeous white truffle goat cheese and a beautiful creamy Camembert.

After this we drove along to the in-laws house, but whoops....spotted a winery...had to stop. Salt Spring Vineyards is a lovely little place with a great view. It also happens to have fantastic blackberry bushes out front....this is what started the blackberry craze (hence the title). I don't' think I ever picked fresh blackberries...just bought them from Capers ...about 5 berries for 100 bucks...hahaha. These were amazing!!! Ivan could barely tear me away from the bush...those little beauties just burst in your mouth like a little juicy cloud. The wine was pretty good too...we bought a bottle of their sparkling called Karma...which was okay, but not our favorite..and we also bought a bottle of their Blanc de Noir, which is a nice and easy summer wine that goes great with a stronger cheese (the truffled goat to be precise). But we enjoyed the tasting experience, as we always do....and this one was great, because they provide little bits of food to pair with the vino...nice!

As we were leaving, I saw this large basket draped in a checkered cloth, with a little sign saying "Heather's Bread"....I had to peek...and glad I did....a beautiful assortment of Artisan mouth watered...I WISH we would have bought one, but we weren't sure what Tracey and Stefan were doing for dinner.....but apparently this woman Heather-The Bread Lady makes 1,000 loaves of bread for the Saturday market, and is usually sold out by NOON!!!!! We MUST try it next time we visit!

Off to Stef and Tracy's, cheese and vino in hand. We had a wonderful, wonderful weekend with them in their big old house. We nibbled on cheese and sipped bubbles, gazing at the water view from their veranda. We then dined on fresh, perfectly baked wild salmon, new potatoes, sweet corn and salad...yum!

They took us to see the sites on Sunday, including a trip to Ruckle Park, which is rugged and gorgeous. The guys took Eric on an adventure climbing up and down the rocks, while Trace and I took a much more civilized trek on the path through the trees, stopping briefly to admire a mama deer and her fawn. There are deer EVERYWHERE on this Island...they hang out on Stefan and Tracy's lawn everyday and eat her roses!

By now we were hungry and in need of a snack..and what better place than the cutest spot you have ever seen called The Treehouse Cafe! Its a little outdoor restaurant built around this giant Tree, and the food was great! Apparently all of the food on the Island is based on a philosophy of local, organic, good living. So pricy, but absolutly worth it!!

After Ruckle Park, we drove up a long, steep and bumpy road to the top of Mount Maxwell, a MUST do....just don't sit in the back seat of the car on the way up...BARF! The view of the Islands is absolutely spectacular...breathtaking really!

From there we went back home so Tracy could start on her homemade tomato sauce, while Eric, Stefan, Ivan and I went out blackberry picking to use in the dessert!!! Stefan grabbed a ladder, a hoe and a machete type thing...and we went a-hackin like real was wonderful. We spent probably 45 mins out there helping each other to avoid the sharp prickles, reaching to the very top where the most plump, juicy berries hung....we filled one giant bowl (although we could have probably filled two...but you must sample as you pick).

Dinner was wonderful once nice to be cooked for....pasta with homemade tomato sauce, with fresh shavings of Parmesan, salad loaded with local strawberries and veggies and local squash, with Stefans delicious crumble made with apples from their yard and the freshly plucked blackberry's....what a feast!
We look forward to visiting again soon, and please do make a trip over to Salt S]pring as I just know you will Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 34-noodles

Well I bit it today! I ate noodles, and my stomach isn't happy with me.

I was at a work function this afternoon, and they brought in dinner (and I was starving) and the choice was green salad, which I piled on, Asian noodle salad, and hamburgers. So I skipped out on the burger and bun and opted for the salads. I LOVE Asian noodle salad, and this one was a real winner....I only had a little, but almost immediately my tummy it when you get gas in a public space....its so sexy and totally convenient.

I haven't eaten gluten or wheat now for 34 days...yikes! Oh well, I have decided to take the blood test instead of carrying on for another 30 days....what made me decide....well, we are going to visit Ivan's brother and family on Saltspring Island this weekend...and he said that he was going to buy some fresh local produce..whatever's in season..he mentioned some corn and a homemade peach cobbler from the Orchard!!!! I immediately told him I would quit this cleanse...I mean Eff that! I will NOT sit by and watch everyone eat homemade cobbler while I eat a rice cake.

Its been easy enough lately, because we haven't been around any homemade goodies....and I don't like chips or chocolate bars, or any junk foods for that matter...but homemade cobbler...HELLO!!!

This blood test will apparently be able to tell me exactly what I am allergic to...and yes its expensive...but i think it will be well worth it. Just to know, so I can plan accordingly. But in the meantime, Cobbler here I come, and believe you me...I will ENJOY!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Days 28-33 - Friendship

My gosh, so many wonderful things have happened over the past few days. Too much to tell in just one entry, that's for sure.

So I will just write about our weekend. We were fortunate enough to go to the Shuswap and spend the weekend at a gorgeous cabin right on the lake. My dad plays Sr. baseball, and he and mom have a whole schwak of fabulous baseball friends. Darlene and Wayne moved to BC quite a while ago, and spend many months at their cabin. A few years ago we went to meet up with the ball team, and had so much fun we decided to do it again this year. was wonderful.

Now you may wonder....aren't your folks and their friends a bit older? And the answer is their 60's actually, as are most of their friends, and they are FABULOUS! It's interesting that Ivan and I really gravitate to more "mature" folks. I am not sure why...perhaps its because they don't have kids, they are settled and happy in their relationships, most are retired so have ample free time and are always up for a party! Who wouldn't want to hang out with them...hahaha.

It's interesting making friends as you get older. The one's you grew up with seem so far away...scattered all over the world. And it takes many years to create new lasting friendships where you feel like someone really and truly "knows" you. Don't get me wrong...I have made many wonderful friends over the 8 years I have lived in BC, but sometimes you just miss that "truly knowing" the bottom of your core type thing. My wonderful husband sweetly says that he is my best friend...and yes, he truly truly is, as are my Mom and Dad and Shayne. But I also miss the group of women I grew up with, more often as I get older. I recently missed an opportunity to be together with all of them in Calgary...all at once...which is a rarity since we all live in different parts of the world. I am sad that I missed out on that...because one of those lovely ladies announced her pregnancy...and I missed that moment.

It's difficult cultivating that same "network" of women when you move to another city. I tried and tried to bring a group of girls together for a monthly "girls night", but it never really can't just force something like this, it has to happen organically. Just because I have made buddies with you, doesn't mean that you will all automatically like each other.

I haven't been the best of friends to the Fab 5 (nicknamed by LB's dad). We have been friends for over 15 years, and since I moved to Vancouver I needed to evolve..change...grow into myself, and they all graciously understood, some didn't like it so much...but it was my regrets. That said...moving forward...I am making a vow to myself to keep in touch more often with these amazing ladies, let them know how much I love and miss them and want to know and be a part of their lives. And my dear friend Whhhhillian...who I have known for over 25 years, we speak the same language girl....whatever effed up language that is....I love it.

Cultivate the new and nurture the old....friendship is not to be taken for granted, and I am learning that lesson as I I hope you call a good friend this week, just to say hello...and Enjoy!

Oh yeh...PS....cleanse is still going amazingly well....but I think I am going to go take that damn blood test just to get it over with....I am craving pizza!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 27-Creating a Relationship with Food

Still feeling mighty awesome these days! Which is a good thing too, because life just gets so busy sometimes. Which reminds me of something my naturopath has taught me. And that is to build breaks into your day. Actually book 10min breaks into your schedule every few hours so you can de-clutter your brain.

I am constantly on the go in my line of work, answering calls/emails, creating marketing splashes, and sell sell sell (I'm in sales-can you tell). So sometimes I feel like my head is spinning and I end up completely exhausted by the end of the day. So Sonya has taught me two valuable lessons.

1. To build in breaks every day. Spend 10 minutes going for a quick walk, lying down, reading something pleasurable...really anything that will make my mind happy.

2. To create a relationship with food.

Now #2 sounded a bit odd to me as I thought I already had a relationship with food....I'm in love with it...what more do you want? But, as I discovered, this is a different type of that involves nudity.....okay okay, just kidding! Here is a better explanation, many times Ivan and I will make a dinner and pop ourselves in front of a movie...and I used to make a quick lunch for myself and eat while watching the food network....or shovel while eating at my desk and answering emails.

My philosophy (was)...if I didn't put the effort into making a "Grand" meal and just made a salad, or soup or a wrap or something easy, then it was okay to eat in front of the T.V. Only when I made a big meal, that I spent precious time on, would I insist we eat at the table.

As Sonya listened to my eating habits, she said something very interesting. She said that I need to create a better relationship with my food, and learn to honor every bite I eat. Mindless eating can apparently lead to digestion issues, and weight gain. She mentioned that I could be eating the healthiest of all health foods, but if I am "shoveling" or mindlessly eating in front of the T.V. the food will not assimilate in my body properly. This makes total sense to me. She also drew a comparison to the Eastern philosophy of food being truly celebrated, and lingered over.

Since she had brought this to my attention, I have purposefully eaten each meal at the table, focused on chewing properly and savoring each bite....why rush a good thing when you can take the much deserved time to sit back and Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 26- Cardero's

Another bright sunny day in gorgeous Vancouver! I was up nice and early to catch the 6:30am yoga class, which just set my day on the right note from the start. Had lots of work to do today,e day...but I did get to go to a business lunch at Cardero's in Coal Harbour. This is consistently a great place to eat. Amazing location, and offers one of the great patios in Van on a sunny day.

They serve up a nice variety of yummy foods...the toughest part was saying no to the fresh baked, warm bread with butter....ohhh that is one thing I miss for sure....and their bread is excellent!

They have a variety of fresh salads, I had their "BIG" salad (Elaine's fave a la I miss that show!) It was delish.

I also really love their Shrimp Dumpling Wok..nice and spicy, all of their fish dishes are fabulous, and so are the pizzas. This is a great place for a business luncheon, or after work cocktails and appies on the patio...and a must if you have any family or friends from out of town. It's so "Vancouver" today as we ate our lunch, we saw a cute little seal bobbing its head in and out of the fun is that!

Try it out and Enjoy!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 25- A better YOU in 28 days.

I must first off start by saying, I am feeling exceptional! I haven't felt the bloated tummy issues that have plagued me for so many years....where all of a sudden it looks as though I might be 5 months pregnant. Tummy distended and extremely longer! My tummy feels great...and so does Ivan's...since he mainly eats what I make, and since I am trying out this dietary thing...all good. But the key is to find out what was really bugging me...only another 31 days to go before my body is totally cleansed, and then my naturopath will start re-introducing things one at a time to see what my body cannot digest.

God I hope its not cheese. I think that's the thing that I miss most....I LOVE cheese...all sorts...and I make the BEST appies, but they are pretty boring with no cheese. just a little sprinkling of feta here, a dollop of goat cheese there....the divine Camembert, or stinky blue...oh well, we will see....

I personally think it may have to do with the gluten, because I have never gone off gluten/wheat before. Last year when I did a similar cleanse before my wedding, I kept eating "whole wheat" breads, wraps etc etc....then again, it could be sugar...although I never ate that much sugar before...only when at a/ or hosting a dinner party. I'm really more of a savory gal...I'd rather a slice of perfect pizza vs. cake....but I certainly am a sucker for homemade pies. This is in extreme opposite of my Ivan, who would happily eat cookies for his three meals a day and love every minute of it. He is a cookie monster...and poor Ivan, but I don't buy processed foods, so there are rarely any cookies in the house...unless I bake them. Which I LOVE to do...there is something so comforting about home baked chocolate chip cookies...and since there is just the two of us, I will either take some to friends, or freeze the dough in little balls..flattened slightly, on parchment paper, then once frozen, pop them into a freezer baggie, and voila, instant homemade cookies-anytime! You can bake them from frozen (just takes a wee bit longer) or let them thaw a bit.

I don't miss sweets at all though...I used to indulge in some dark chocolate during that special "time of the month" for us gals, and the more I indulged, the more I wanted anything really. Want to halt a habit....try quitting something for 28 days...many experts say that is the magic number. I have tried this many times and it has worked every time! I quit smoking (which was a shit habit I had when I was in school), I lost weight by training myself to go to yoga, I quit drinking soda pop and sugary juice, and I can change my sleep patterns whenever I want.

The key...discipline... BUT its only 28 days...seriously we can all do ANYTHING for 28 days....put a calender by your desk...think of something that has been holding you back from living the life you have always, more time, stress relief, more money etc etc and just try doing it..or not doing it for 28 little days. Click here for an interesting article on the 28 day theory, there are many others. So, you can either "stop" doing something destructive, or "start" incorporating a new healthful habit. Want to lose weight, but you HAVE to have your bag of candy, or Cheetos every other night...well try not having that for just 28 days and see what happens. For me, not drinking pop was the coolest experiment, I haven't had a soda pop in over 10 years...because after that 28 days, my palate had changed and when I tried drinking it afterwards it tasted like a disgusting syrup.

Try getting up an hour earlier each day for 28 days, so you can fit that very much sought after reading/swimming/walking/writing/yoga/meditation/love making into your life.

And its so fun to challenge the beginning of this year, I did a 30 day yoga challenge, and yes, there were days that I did NOT want to go...but it felt great to tick that day off my calender, and it felt even greater once complete...the sense of accomplishment is such a beautiful reward (oh yeh...and feel free to treat yourself to something special indulgence after completing a challenge is often a massage!). No one else can instill that feeling of accomplishment for you....if you think you are going to get it from your boss/parent/lover/child....think again...

I challenge you to 28 days of self improvement...whatever that means to good luck and Enjoy!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 24-Spiritual Sunday

What a beautiful day. Today I took my husband on a spiritual journey...he agreed to take part in a Spiritual Sunday event a la Heather! We started off the morning reading a little, then enjoying a nice brunch. Scrambled eggs with olives and sundried tomatoes??!!! Yes, my lovely friend Aryn (who it seems I truly learn so much from....darlin, you should write a cook book!), puts these treasures in her eggs, which I had never thought of before and they are just AWESOME! The other trick to beautiful, fluffy scrambled eggs is to beat them until nice, light and frothy..and pour into a medium heat, non-stick frying pan with melted butter. My momma taught me that one...I used to use olive oil, but it just doesn't have the same fluffy richness as butter...beloved butter.

Which brings me to a point which is so often discussed...the margarine vs. butter debate...which really shouldn't be a debate at all....butter is natural and made from a living animal...margarine is a manufactured chemical cocktail that really has no place in the the debate on marge vs butter and you will find a whole schwak of information. Anyway, I regress...after the eggs, I took Ivan to the Spiritual Center for Dynamic Living, which could be considered a church type group...but not in the conventional way....if you like such teachings from Echart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, and believe there is indeed a higher power, something greater than you out there...then you must attend their Sunday service. I would like to start attending this group on a more regular basis as you simply can't help but reflect on your life, and appreciate your surroundings when you attend....and they are what you would say "non-denominational" so to speak...they believe "God" can be called whatever suits you and your exchange for "Higher Power", "Universe", "Allah", "Buddha", "Jehovah"...really whatever suits your fancy....and you get to fun!

After our experience at Dynamic center, we carried on for a cup of tea and then back home to make some lunch, before heading to Kundilini yoga at Semperviva, which is one of my favorite classes. You chant, sing and sometimes dance..while getting an amazing work out for your physical body and inner spirit!

We then topped off the night with a Roast chicken dinner, with all the fixn's. And now we will watch our favorite Sunday night show, which is America's funniest home videos. I have actually been watching this show on Sundays since I was it was always on, after Sunday family dinners. It's always good for a belly laugh or two and we really like watching it should try out a Spiritual Sunday with your significant other some time..just for something different, and Enjoy!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 22 and 23-Simple Snacks and Mussels!

As you know I made a beautiful batch of hummus the other day, and so yesterday I discovered the BEST lunch/snack ever! I sliced up some of my fresh Kamut bread, and toasted it, then smothered in hummus, topped with sliced avocado, a few strategically placed sun dried tomatoes (cost-co has a mammoth jar and they are the best!) drizzled with a bit of olive oil and balsamic glaze ( you can't go wrong with De Nigris found at speciality stores) and OMG...this was to die for...Ivan loved it as well. Today we added some fresh tomato, a few spinach leaves and some alfalfa divine...and so healthy to boot!

I must also make mention of our beautiful date night last night! After work we bought some groceries and then went up to the best fish market in our area called 7 Seas. It has some beautiful seafood, and for a snack we had the candied salmon which is a delight (they have 3 different types)...and we bought just over a pound of mussels for dinner. Mussels are such an impressive meal for guests (and just for us). And so economical if you are on a only cost $7 bucks and it was just the right amount. We arrived back home and started the evening with olives and fresh made mojitos (a la Ivan), then cracked a bottle of vino that we have been saving from our honeymoon in Croatia. We brought it from Croatia and it was almost bitter sweet drinking it....YES it was amazing (as most Croatian wine is), but it was a little sad as that was the last bottle. Croatia does not export their wines (you may find 1 bottle in a speciality store), but its truly the best...they really have the best of the best of most, wine, beaches, really should fact I have a whole travel review, where you can hear of our adventures in Croatia....if you are ever going there...let me know and Ill send it your way!

Anyway, last night along with our beautiful crisp, white Croatian wine, we enjoyed a spinach salad with fresh blueberries and maple pecans (sounds fancier than it is....simply heat your choice of nut in a pan over medium, and once nicely toasted and fragrant, pour a little maple syrup in the pan and toss around...then place onto a dish covered with parchment paper to cool...and there you go...fancy ass " candied" pecans, walnuts, almonds....whatever you wish...try it on your next salad...or pancakes..yum!! Our salad was dressed with a simple apple cider vinegar and shallot dressing. For the main course, we enjoyed Thai style mussels...lots of garlic, fresh chili's, a little fish sauce, coconut milk, fresh cilantro and mint -WOW..this was amazing if I do say so myself! It called for fresh Kaffir lime leaves to infuse the coconut milk..but these were impossible to find in the near vicinity...Ivan went to Capers, Choices, Meinhardts and one other store and NOTHING! I know my master chef friend Aryn recently bought some from Wholefoods...but that's a bit far away...will have to go there next time. We used lemongrass instead and it really was an amazing dish!

Served over brown jasmine rice...Lundberg makes the BEST so far that I have tasted! A lot of folks hate the thought of brown rice...but this one is excellent..and with a blanket of silky coconut milk, Mussels and fresh herbs....who would even know! If you have never attempted making mussels...find a recipe and Enjoy!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day-21 Hummus

You must make hummus....its such an easy, delicious and healthy snack to keep in your fridge. It's economical to make...AND even more so since I finally started buying dried chickpeas. The tinned ones are fairly loaded with salt and some with preservatives and can be pricey if you buy organic. But I started buying the dried version (tip from my naturopath)...pop into a pot and cover with water and let soak overnight..then in the morning I throw them in my crockpot with some broth or water, set on low and leave for the yummy on salads, curries, and creamy hummus. Don't buy it from the store....there are a million recipes online, and its a snap to whip up to smother on your rice cakes (if you are doing gluten free like moi) or dip your veggies in (my faves are sugar snap peas and carrots)..spread on a nice grainy bread and top with avocado and sprouts, stuff into pita with grilled chicken...the uses are endless and it will last about a week in the fridge. The flavours get more intense by day....I added a bit more cayenne to mine tonight, so its nice and spicy! You can add sun dried tomatoes to give it a different spin..or roasted red peppers... olives...just have fun with it and Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 20-Acupuncture for a Princess

Well today was my second treatment of Acupuncture at the naturopaths. Odd experience really..the first time she went easy on me...but this time was much more intense...needles sticking out of my head, legs, hands, and one gem in the tummy...yikes..that one hurt like a son-of -a-bitch!!! But Sonya mentioned it may be because of the stomach issues I am still experiencing...but are really getting better and better each day, considering my new dietary restrictions....poached tomato, basil fish tonight!

After such a tender experience, I went to buy groceries for dinner, and saw a lone, pretty helium balloon shaped like a castle with Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty on was just left at the cashier and so I bought a treat. Call me a child, call me "out of touch with reality" but I LOVE Disneyland and all of its beautiful creations. True true...from the small feminist side of me...the Disney Classics can really lead youngsters astray, teaching young women that their Prince will one day come and rescue them from the scary world and make everything perfect....or in the case of Belle..that if the man you meet is ugly, if you can see past his monstrosities, he may just be hot afterall... but I don't care...I grew up with all of these movies and lessons, and fell in love with one Princess after another...and today, I am a secure, independent business woman...who did indeed meet a handsome prince...but he did not buy me a white horse...and my castle is a small condo...but why can't we indulge in the pure joy, unyielding happiness, and beauty of fantasy.

We can learn a lesson or two from these hot little Princesses...they talk to nature...they stop to smell (and chat with) the roses, they are pure of heart and maintain a beautiful innocence....whats not lovely about that I ask.

One of my most favorite places in the world is Disneyland...many people make fun of me, upon learning this fact. But I really don't care...I grew up going to this place with my amazing family, and it truly is magical...from the moment you step foot on the pavement leading under the archway, through the flags you feel sparkles in your tummy (at least I do), and once you walk down Main Street USA, you cannot help but GRIN, try not to...I dare you. This is a place, where you can simply enjoy the sites and sounds, see kids and adults, grans and babes giggle with delight, smile in awe of the big puffy Disney Characters that mosey through The Magic Kingdom...and you simply feel like a child all over again. Everything is pure, simple, enjoyment... so maybe Disneyland isn't your bliss, maybe its a beach in Mexico, or the Spa, or Camping with friends...but I think it is so important to discover what that Bliss is for YOU...where work vanishes, and your heart is free to sing.... so that is my prescription for a life lived Happily Ever After.

In the words of Helen Keller "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."

I hope you Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 19- Healthful Living

So I think my new favorite breakfast, besides smoothies, are rice cakes smothered in Almond Hazelnut butter...Aryn introduced me to this delectable combo while camping...and it is like music in your mouth...dollop a little honey on top and you can't help but smile. You can purchase such an item at a ridiculously expensive price (but well worth it) at Capers/Wholefoods, Choices or Meinhardt's.

I must say, we are so lucky to be living in BC. Not only do we get to enjoy the beautiful Ocean and Mountains, lovely beaches and warm weather...but we get the privilege of enjoying some of the best foods in Canada! We have so many Organic stores in BC, who focus on local produce, and items for healthful living. In a pinch I know I can grab a quick quinoa, or Asian broccoli, or wild rice salad in the deli section. Their meats and seafood are the best of the best, their cheese section... mouthwatering..and if my latest recipe is calling for champagne vinegar, or truffle oil...I can find these items with ease. Celiacs delight in these stores...they often have entire sections devoted to you...brown rice noodles, breads and baking made with rice flour, kamut or spelt...the options are plenty.

I feel so fortunate, because I know I have tried to find such items when visiting Calgary or Toronto..or god forbid somewhere in between...but Organic Healthful shopping is not quite as easy in other areas of the have to search for long distances...embark upon a quest....okay, perhaps I am exaggerating...but my mom just informed me that the only healthful store close by her called Planet Organic recently went unfortunate.

All I can say, is that today I am feeling very fortunate to live in a city that promotes a healthful and joyous living.


Monday, August 2, 2010


I do love much as I love my creature comforts of home, shelter, warm bed and clean body...there is something just so fu*kin awesome about CAMPING!!!! Yes, in my every day life, I enjoy putting on my make up, and rock n republic jeans, curling my eyelashes and hair..but in the same breath there is something pretty darn amazing about sleeping outside in the fresh air in a tent, that reminds you of the forts you used to build in your living room as a child, cooking outside, and hearing the calm sounds of nature......OR the beating of your heart when everywhere you see big, bright yellow signs saying BEAR IN AREA, BEAR WARNING, BEARS, BEARS, BEARS...effffff....I totally freaked!!!!

I was invited on my very first Girls camping trip over the August long weekend, and was already a little nervous about it, because I have only camped a few times with Ivan and groups of friends (not counting the times in my parents luxury motorhome)....and I seriously doubted their abilities to save me from such things as spiders and BEARS! Camping with Ivan is easy, because he does all of the "man" stuff (aka. chopping wood, setting up the stove, pitching the tent, setting up tarps etc) and I just cook, relax, and drink wine for the most part. So knowing I would have to do all of my own stuff...and not have my big strapping hubby there to protect me from the scary woods...well, it was a little freaky to me. Luckily enough, I found to be in good hands with Aryn and Christine who are fearless females, and actually picked up the spiders to find them new homes...and I'm pretty sure if confronted by a Bear...they would beat the shit out of it!

We were at a place called Cat Lake, near Squamish BC, and it is beautiful, but apparently they have had 2 BEAR incidents in the last month which did not sound there was a 0 tolerance level there..and camp Nazi as we so affectionately called him, drilled this into our brains! Not only did we have to hike all of our stuff INTO the site...but now each night we would have to hike it all back out! Thank god for the fun little food cache's! Never seen one in my life...and thought it was the coolest thing ever! These buckets suspended by wire you fill them up with food/supplies, close the lid and hoist them into the air, where they dangle away from your campsite and out of Papa Bear's reach...scary..but fun.

I was able to stick to my dietary restrictions quite well...ensuring I packed lots of homemade hummus and fresh veggies, roasted nuts, and quinoa salad to keep me totally satisfied and happy. Camping with women eat WELL! There's no chips, beans and wieners, cookies, cheesies or another sort of crap, you would most likely encounter if camping with a group that included men. Instead we feasted on Thai vegetable coconut curry over purple rice with lots of fresh cilantro, Spaghetti Quattro (recipe from the excellent Italian hotspot on West 4th), and turkey, cranberry sausages (these were amazing...from Save-On Foods) with grilled veggies...Aryn is such an amazingly awesome gourmet chef, and camping is nothing like I had experienced before in my life!!!! We played cards, dice, talked, giggled and learned from one another. Each day we would have happy hour with some beautiful olives and Gin martini's (Aryn made em dirty and man were they wicked), before we dove into the luscious wines with our fabulous dinners. I know, I wish you could come camping with us....believe you me, I feel privileged that I got the invite!

The trip was fabulous, all until the last night which was a little deliverance-esque. Already feeling quite freaked out each night I lay down to sleep that a bear would eat me....this particular night I am sleeping and become conscious of a noise outside the tent...and I'm unsure of what it is...but then I wake up to realize that there is a radio outside with a fuzzy news station on...and its loud and I almost LOSE it!!!! WFT...why is there all of a sudded a fucken radio playing outside the tent in the middle of the flippen night...OMG, I totally start to panic..the girls are both sound asleep...but after whispering for them to get up..I finally hit Christine who wakes up and say...sushhhhh...listen....and she hears the radio quickly says....oh quit scaring yourself for no reason...grabs the flashlight and starts yelling..get the fuck out of here...hops out of the tent, and there is nothing to be seen...grabs the radio and puts it inside the tent and totally saves the day...I felt grateful...but as the gals fell back to eyes were wired awake like that sick scene from Clockwork orange...I couldn't even blink....THEN....we hear someone yelling across the lake EVAN...EVAN...over and over and over...really loud, we hear faint voices in the distance..and then after about 5mins of horror and yelling...we hear this guy yell to god knows who.....DON'T YOU SEE THAT PERSON WALKING BEHIND heart is now beating in my eye and I feel sick. Of course in situations like this, I don't tend to think rationally like the girls do (oh its just some guy probably hopped up on mushrooms or some type of drugs), my brain immediately thinks of every single ghost story I have ever heard....every news story (which is pretty much like a horror story)..just waiting for some type of ax murder to bust through the tent....but then it was quiet...the yelling went away...and eventually I somehow managed to fall back asleep...because when I woke up again, it was morning, and I was alive....nothin like a good scare to bring you in touch with reality I say!

Back home now, where I can take a leisurely crap in a real toilet, and not worry about gagging to death on the hangover-pooh fumes of others in the outhouse, wash my smelly body, clean the grime from my nails..and enjoy the fun memories of girls camp...yet be equally happy to be in my cozy warm, bear free bed snuggled up to my hubby!
