Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 34-noodles

Well I bit it today! I ate noodles, and my stomach isn't happy with me.

I was at a work function this afternoon, and they brought in dinner (and I was starving) and the choice was green salad, which I piled on, Asian noodle salad, and hamburgers. So I skipped out on the burger and bun and opted for the salads. I LOVE Asian noodle salad, and this one was a real winner....I only had a little, but almost immediately my tummy it when you get gas in a public space....its so sexy and totally convenient.

I haven't eaten gluten or wheat now for 34 days...yikes! Oh well, I have decided to take the blood test instead of carrying on for another 30 days....what made me decide....well, we are going to visit Ivan's brother and family on Saltspring Island this weekend...and he said that he was going to buy some fresh local produce..whatever's in season..he mentioned some corn and a homemade peach cobbler from the Orchard!!!! I immediately told him I would quit this cleanse...I mean Eff that! I will NOT sit by and watch everyone eat homemade cobbler while I eat a rice cake.

Its been easy enough lately, because we haven't been around any homemade goodies....and I don't like chips or chocolate bars, or any junk foods for that matter...but homemade cobbler...HELLO!!!

This blood test will apparently be able to tell me exactly what I am allergic to...and yes its expensive...but i think it will be well worth it. Just to know, so I can plan accordingly. But in the meantime, Cobbler here I come, and believe you me...I will ENJOY!

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