Friday, May 11, 2012

Making baby food at home

Well cooking has become more a part of my life than ever with our little man starting to eat solids.  Being a bit of a health nut myself, I decided I really wanted to make all of Dutchies foods vs. buying the jars.  At first I thought it was so simple I wondered how anyone could get the store bought stuff...but now he is eating more and more and his likes and dislikes are becoming more apparent...and it is difficult to ensure he has a balanced for these reasons alone..I now place no judgement on anyone who purchases their baby food!  Not that I did before...I just really understand now...especially if some moms have to go back to work early.

Nevertheless...I still want to do it, and I am having fun experimenting with new combinations and starting to add a bit of spice as well.  So far, I think he is a really good eater.  He eats lots of the things he loves and not much of the things he doesn't.  If he doesn't like one thing...but I know it's healthy for him and he needs it..then I mix it in with another.

So his favorite things are yams and butternut squash ( I don't blame him...a couple of my faves too). He also loves peas...but is not much for broccoli, kale, collard greens or swiss chard. Are you thinking who the eff gives their baby swiss chard...are you wondering what the eff swiss chard is hahahha.  Well because we don't eat much meat I want to ensure he is getting enough I also used my handheld blender to puree quinoa in with the squash/greens mixture and he loved it!

Breakfasts are a cinch..he absolutely loves apples and pears.  Mash up an avocado with banana and he will eat that all day long.  And I have recently discovered that he will pretty much eat anything with cinnamon sprinkled on top.

The best appliances for the job are a steamer...I even steamed dried prunes the other day to soften them up and pureed with some apples. And my handheld works the absolute best (better than my large and small food processors and blender) for creamy baby food.

My goal is to get into some kind of system where I only cook once a week and freeze a weeks worth of different meals so I am not scrambling to make something.  So far so good...and soon enough he will be able to start eating what we eat...but in the meantime, I am enjoying cooking for my baby and I feel good about doing it....I even eat the leftovers if there are any : )

If you have the time a great reference book that one of my amazingly wonderful friends/supermom gave me is called Superfoods for Babies and Children it has given me lots of great ideas and helped ease me into the process.  Certainly doesn't hurt to pick up a book if you are a new mom and have absolutely zero idea how to make baby food.....on that note...babe is now crying for his mommy. Enjoy.

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