Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Roles of Man and Wife

Growing up in my household my parents had very "traditional" style roles...aka, Man = brings home bacon, Woman = helps man survive.

Yes, my wonderful mother cooked, cleaned, mended, prepared, kissed it better, and did everything humanly possible to keep a fabulous home. Papa brought home the bacon...literally, that was the one chore he had assigned...the grocery shopping...and he still enjoys it today.

Although those particular roles seemed to work for my parents (and many others), I knew at a young age that I wanted something different...something more balanced when it came to $$ and home. I always wanted to marry a man who was a chef, or at least very skilled in the kitchen...don't get me wrong, Ivan is certainly skilled at eating all of the food in the kitchen...but he doesn't really like to cook. For years this has kinda bugged me....he had all of the other traits I was looking for in a partner...why oh why won't he make me a beautiful dinner??

Then tonight, as I watch Ivan iron a bunch of our clothes while he peacefully views the hockey game...I instantly feel grateful. We are certainly not a couple who embodies the old fashioned roles of "man and wife". When I think about it, I am very fortunate to have found a man who irons...I hate ironing...and I also hate lucky for me that Ivan doesn't mind, and he is an expert at tetris-ing the fact I constantly get scolded when I don't load it according to his strict standards.

I do the laundry, because I don't mind doing it at fact I rather enjoy the scented fluffy warm clothes and towels fresh from the dryer. As you can's pretty even. We both grocery shop..often together, and he is damn good at opening a delicious bottle of wine while I prepare our meal.....

I may still dream of the day when I come home from work and dinner is being served...but in the meantime, I will certainly feel thankful that I have a well stacked dishwasher, unwrinkled clothes, and a damn sexy guy for a husband...for those things alone I most certainly will Enjoy!

1 comment:

Aryn said...

The dishwasher thing must be a man thing. Rob has strict standards when it comes to organizing the dishwasher as well. I too get scolded!!!