Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Early to Bed

I was feeling a little ashamed about my early bedtime...embarrassed that I am in my early 30s, no kids, healthy and I am sound asleep by 10:00pm or just a few minutes past. My parents, who are in their 60s stay up later than me. On New Years Eve, Ivan and I were in bed, asleep by 1:30am, only to hear my mom and dad rocked on until 5am. What a sad state of affairs.

That said, there is a lot going on in a early 30s balanced with love, and managing friendships and family obligations can really take a lot out of a gal. One of my girlfriends sent around this study that was done a while ago stating that women in their early thirties experience the most fatigue...AND we all felt relieved when we saw that, because apparently we all completely agreed.

I get up at 5:40am to do yoga (because I know if I leave it until after work, I just wont go) so that means early to bed. During our travels in South America, because we were on a scheduled itinerary for the most part, we were up very early, and sometimes went to bed at 8:30 or 9pm. we enjoyed a nice dinner, sipped tea and chatted a bit and then hit the pillow....and I really liked that. I mean come on...why does one really need to stay up past 9pm if you think about it....what is there really to do? I guarantee that most people end up watching t.v. if they are up past 9pm...and what a waste of brain that is! I try to get a bit of reading in...or blogging (as you can tell). And then its off to dream land. One of the ways I ensure a sound sleep is to write a "To Do" list for the next day's clears my mind.

Well, its to bed I go, sweet dreams and enjoy!

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