Monday, April 16, 2012

The right choice for us

So I found it very interesting after giving birth to Dutch the sequence of comments and events that occurred.  First of all there was soooo much controversy about us choosing not to get medically induced to speed up the birth (as you will see from my previous blog entries) and everyone had their opinion.  If it had of been any other Doctor I am certain they would have dropped us as I do have to give a huge kudos to Dr. McLauchlin for honoring our wishes.  She was not happy about it at all...but she had no choice....its fascinating that people think its illegal or something to go against what your doctor says...but remember its your body, and sometimes these "rules or recommendations" are put in place because of lack of knowledge or fear of lawsuit...and of course I will not rule out potential risks.  But if you think about it logically, no two pregnancies are alike..even if by the same why in the world would you make a rule of 10 days post due = induction via drugs.  Anyway, I wont harp any longer on the back to the birth room...some things I found interesting:

1) As soon as Dutch was born my Doctor exclaimed  how healthy and great he looked and that he didn't look like 18 days overdue at all (not that she had ever seen a baby 18 days she stated...perhaps she thought he would have two heads or something)

2) Doctor said..hmmm maybe we should go back and review those ultra-sound results..maybe the dates were wrong

3) My Doula overheard the Pediatrician and our Doc in discussions afterwards and the Pediatrician was shocked and wanted to know how in the world I was allowed to go 18 days past my due date and was casting an accusatory voice at our Doctor who defended us and had to back pedal by saying we were travelling when I got pregnant and we weren't sure of the dates etc...

All of these factors, plus my perfectly healthy little boy are evidence that we made the right decision to wait for Dutch to arrive when he was good and ready...and it was well worth the wait.

Now the debate on Vaccines...ugggggg this I certainly do not enjoy!

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