Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wayne Dyer Part 1

I bought tickets to see Wayne Dyer live last night, and it was great! I have read some of his books, listened to the wise words on his CDs and generally enjoy his insightful teachings. Ivan was interested in attending as well.

To my surprise the Queen Elizabeth Theatre was PACKED with over 2000 answer seekers in attendance. The energy was fantastic. We sat in the nosebleed seats, but still had a wonderful experience. The evening started off with a group meditation, which was exactly what I needed after a long day of was very peaceful to hear silence fall across a room filled with so many living souls.

Wayne is now 70 and looks fantastic...same soothing, warm voice as I hear on his CDs, wonderful sense of humor, and sparkling yet calm energy.

What resonated for me the most out of his talk is something that we all intrinsically know, yet forget in the monotony of life. Get up, shower, dress, brush, eat, work, eat, work, eat, talk, bitch about work, sleep-repeat. So many of us blindly float below the surface of I like to think of it. There is more...much more..he believes that we all have "music" in us...a life's purpose. How do we know if it has been fulfilled..."If you are still has not" says Wayne. So, you and I, are either living, or in search of our life's purpose. His is enlightening human beings...his daughter Sky's is to sing, my colleagues is to help sick children, and the guy down the street creates beautiful breads for his customers. It's finding our "bliss" that thing that makes your heart sing...that thing you would do, even if no one paid you for it...that thing for me is writing and cooking for loved ones. I think I came to that realization just last night...and it's exciting.

It has taken me many years to find this....would I love to have a career out of it...hell yeh...but until such time, I am thrilled that I started my blog, and tickled to find new recipes to test on my friends and family.

The other main point I gleaned from Mr. Dyer is his techniques for manifestation. I shall continue this tomorrow as I am exhausted and must wake up early for yoga. until then good night and enjoy!

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