Thursday, February 3, 2011

The BEST you, YOU can be!

Today I felt so inspired by one of my clients. He had just hired a life/business coach to come in and speak to his agents that morning and he was totally pumped up and willing to chat about it. He had never worked with a coach before, and decided that day to hire this man on as his personal coach. He said it was really expensive, but he was really ready for a life change. Now this got my juices flowing immediately, because I have been working with my life coach for 5 years now and really believe that every person on the planet should have one.

I love it when people say...oh I don't need that...REALLY? Have you already achieved all of your you even have any....if you are excelling at your is your home life....balanced?...what about your personal "me" any of that?.....and if you have managed to balance all of those is your health?

There are so many factors that go into having a "great life" and finding a balance is very I certainly needed some assistance in finding. Quite frankly I have never met anyone (nope, not even you) that I feel really, and truly has it 100% together. Finding a mentor is difficult....don't get me wrong, there are a lot of amazing people out there...but I so often see women who are powerful and career driven...only to hear that they are divorced, or miserable in their home I take a bit from each one here and there...only the bits that I admire.

Yes, it is expensive....but if you find the right match, then think about it people....this is your LIFE that you are talking about. Do you really need another pair of new shoes, or a purse...or the latest flat screen....or should you maybe think about creating the BEST LIFE you can for yourself???!!! Really this should be a no brainer...your life is priceless...if you are unhappy, lonely, sick, filled with pain, then who the fuck gives a shit about the shoes or t.v. ?

If you want to become an expert on life...enjoy successes in all areas of it...just like a sports need a coach. Think about it....we spend money and time cutting and coloring our hair, getting manicures, and primping our shell....but we often neglect the contents.

My life coach Christina has helped me to continually strive to be the very best me I can be...and it really is a life long process. It's not like Michael Jordan was coached for a season and said...okay great, I get it...thanks I'll do it on my own from now on....nope he had a coach too. You must be ready and willing and brave enough to change your perspective...change your life! My coach has helped me learn amazing ways to communicate with my husband....and my family as well as my peers. She has helped me to make career choices and to discover my passions. Many relationships that were stale and suffocating in the past have now shifted, and are now enjoyable and fulfilling. It is not must do the work....and sometimes the work is scary and will push you outside of your boundaries...but this is what helps you to grow....and the result....a beautiful life.

Today when I was speaking with my client....I exchanged many of my experiences and thoughts and he was so excited to hear my journey....he said it has taken him many years to admit to himself that his life is not looking how he hoped or dreamed it would look at this point....some aspects looked okay...but others were completely absent....he knew the moment he met this coach that he wanted to embark on this journey through enlightenment (okay that sounded airy fairy....but just trust me). Each time I have a session with Christina I feel more things just make much more sense. I now schedule monthly sessions with her just as regular maintenance (just like you would for your hair). Instead of waiting until shit hits the fan and my world is falling apart....when we connect monthly it seems like things never get to that bad of a state..or I am better equipped to deal with different situations and scenarios...its really amazing.

So I encourage you to take a long, slow and deep breath right now....then take out a piece of paper and write down : Family and Friends, Heath, Finances, Achievement and Fulfillment, Personal Development, Fun and Recreation, and Career and ask yourself if you are completely happy with each of these aspects in your life currently. If the answer is no...then perhaps it is time. You can check out my coach at Citrus Coaching Solutions if you wish...of course she may not be the right fit for you...but she can certainly lead you in the right direction....because life is not something that is just meant to be is meant to be Enjoyed!

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