Monday, August 5, 2013

Three Days Overdue with Number 2

Well...I am now three days overdue, and something is feeling strangely familiar about this....and not in a good way.  Being 18 days overdue with Dutch was one of the most mentally and physically challenging things I have had to face in my life.  Not just because of the anticipation and carrying such a heavy load around, but having everyone around you give their opinions on your choice to not be chemically induced.  I have shared my philosophy before on this topic in other blogs so I wont go on about it here.

Our Doula who helped with the birth of Dutch advised me to just assume this baby will come at the same time as Dutch and anything earlier would be a pleasant surprise....a much smarter approach than the one I actually writing "baby" on the Aug 2nd block on my kitchen calendar...HA!  What was I thinking.  I feel a little more concerned this time, simply because we do not have a caring and understanding Doctor this time around.  Our Doc in Vancouver, although wanted to induce, did respect our decision and only asked we get regular monitoring to ensure everything was okay with baby...which of course we were more than happy to do.  This time we are in a new City at a clinic that has 10 different Doctors and I am just a life is on a flash drive.  Whenever I get a different doctor at the clinic, they have to wait to plug in the flash drive to say hello...uh........Heather.  Oh least its my second baby and we sort of know what we are getting ourselves into....oh yes, and my hubby is my birth coach this time too!  But I know we will be a great team...I just don't want things to go so late again that we have to go through all of the emotional, controversial upheaval. 

I am considering getting the membrane scrape this week...I was thinking I would have it done tomorrow at my next appointment...but after reading quite a bit of information about it, I have changed my mind.  I will wait until I am closer to the 42 week period.  Especially knowing my track record of growing babies for an extra long time!  And this time I know if we go over the 42 week period, that the best thing for us to do is to turn off all communication from the outside world, listen to our instincts and my body, trust in the beautiful process of birth and enjoy.

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