Saturday, January 22, 2011

Network like a Pro

I am a networking is confirmed, I am brilliant at it...and I feel proud to say that. I didn't realize how difficult it really is for so many people...especially those who depend on it for their careers.

I network a lot in my career, but I can honestly thank my mom and dad for many of the skills I have developed over the years. Mom is certainly not shy to strike up a conversation with a stranger...and dad is the time he is done checking out at the grocery store, he has learned about the cashiers day and her other part time job. Go to a restaurant where he has more time, and he will have learned the servers life history, family status, and life goals. He is amazing, and talks to everyone...which most likely has contributed largely to his business success. He loves meeting people.

I wouldn't say I show quite as much interest to all strangers as he does...and at times (when I am not in the mood) I have to remind myself of the wonderful opportunities that could be just around the other side of the next "hello". Not to say that dads motivations to chat were just to open up new potential opportunities...but I am sure they are a part of it.

Last night Ivan and I were invited to a networking event by a friend. I haven't been to a networking event outside of my industry for many years....and I was curious to see if I would enjoy it. Now, I consider myself a Networking pro, but was that just within my own industry...where I feel confident about my topic of discussion and I already know 80% of the people? Last night was the night to test myself....and low and behold, my hunch was right...I was just as amazing with a group of strangers!! One lady even offered to pay me to come to Networking events with her...she said she just couldn't do what I do!

Of course this skill doesn't really work to my benefit as I am not an entrepreneur...but luckily my husband is! So if you are a business owner, and looking to meet new potential clients and referral sources, here are a few brief suggestions (perhaps I will write a book on it one day):

  • Have fresh breath...or be sure to carry a mint (don't chew gum because it looks unprofessional)
  • Have a firm hand shake-ladies, this means you too!
  • Look for someone standing on their own, or a small group of 2 who look open to chatting
  • Grab a fricken drink....a little booze always loosens ya up (just don't grab too many)
  • Be inquisitive-ask people what they do, show interest and keep asking questions
  • Bring a wing man if you need...but don't just stand around talking to them all night
  • Set a goal of talking to x many new people
  • Have can kind of become a little game

I really believe networking is a very important skill for entrepreneurs, but it is equally important for life in general...because you just never know when you could meet your soul mate, best friend or new business partner! So get over your fears, step out of your box and sign up for the next networking event in your hood, and don't forget to Enjoy!

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