I had not been to Vegas since I was young....under age and with mom, dad and brother. I will always remember it, because we were upgraded to first class, which was awesome...and as soon as we got to our hotel room in the Luxor we all hopped on the beds to watch the 2 hour finale of Seinfeld....we all laughed and bawled. Shayne and I got dressed up one evening...and went and stood in line to get into one of the clubs...we would wait until we got close to the front, and then would go to the back again, just so we could FEEL like we were a part of the scene...From a young ladies perspective..mixed with watching James Bond movies, the TV show Las Vegas...my image of Vegas was exactly that.
Vegas, may be that...if you have thousands of dollars to drop in order to get into all of the private parties and bars...but instead what I saw was row upon row upon row of tacky, white trash slot machines....overweight Americans with cigarettes hanging out of their mouth, eyes glazed over, staring at their machines, confused, perplexed, wondering why they aren't winning...why that brightly colored toy in front of them isn't fixing their lives. No James Bond here.
I went for a wedding, and did have a wonderful time...but not for the reasons one would think they should have in Vegas...yes the hotels are GORGEOUS...we stayed in the THEhotel at Mandalay B
ay which was amazing...this was very James Bondesque...and much nicer than Mandalay Bay itself.
The first night was the Stagette, and 30 ladies took limos over to The Bank at the Bellagio. And make no mistake...it was a bar. It was kinda cool, because they had a huge table reserved right on the dance floor, which provided us with Table service...including our own security guard to walk us to and from the bathroom, and two amazingly hot, slutty chicks to cater to us and pour us cocktails all night...for a real steal of a deal of only $5,000.00!!!!! Wasn't so bad because we all split up the cost for the evening, which justified it a bit ..hahaha. But all in all....no mistaking, this was a bar, with really loud, ear crushing music and 21 year old college kids. I had a great time being with the girls and dancing till 4am...but I really wouldn't go back to Vegas for this scene.
The next day was hell and bliss. Hell because I was so hung over my eyes were crossed all day....bliss, because one of my best gal pals arrived and we spent the day walking the strip and window shopping. We got so lost in all of the casino hotels, one leading into the next, it was hard to actually just find our bloody way OUT....the issue may have been that we were drunk. You can buy cocktails and sip while you walk and shop...and that is just what we did....all the way until 9pm! Realizing it was really late, we hopped a cab to the hotel to take a nap....and woke up almost 2hrs later not feeling like going out at all.....we felt horribly guilty for not going out while we were in Vegas...so instead, we went out for a nice midnight dinner of eggs and chicken noodle soup.
The last day was the BEST however! We decided to go to the private pool called moora at Mandalay Bay....not the main one with families and kids running around. This was a 21+ club type pool, where the pretty people play. I LOVE Irena, because she is always dressed to the nines...look
s perfect always....and she ever so clearly explained to me that WE ARE IN VEGAS, SO WE MUST DRESS UP TO GO TO THE POOL....what a concept....full hair, makeup, earrings, bracelets and HEALS......never done this before...but LOVED it. I felt like a million bucks...super sexy as we sat in the chaise lounge, basking in the sun as my bum turned into a lobster...mmmm real hot. My body now looks like I have a permanent white bikini on.....easy to burn when you skin is the color of ghost (as my dear friend LB once said). So we took this theme from the pool and dressed up everywhere! Even did a wardrobe change after the wedding....can't waste an outfit!!!
We rocked out the day at the pool...many of the folks from the wedding party joined us as we all sipped pitchers of fresh mojitos and got our happy on!
The wedding was lovely...but ended much too early, so we zipped over to the silly little lounge in the hotel, where we partied until around 4am then went for dinner. Have you noticed a trend...I have jet lag from Vegas and we are in the same fricken time zone!
All in all, I absolutely want to go back one day...most likely with Ivan and another couple or two...I feel like I just scratched the surface of Vegas...and I want to get to the gritty core.
Viva Las Vegas and Enjoy!
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