Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day- 2 Quinoa to the resue

Today was great! I stuck right on plan!

Warm water with honey and lemon
kamut toast with almond butter and fruit for breakfast
rice cake for snack with honey and butter

I thought lunch might be more difficult as we were going down to kits beach to have a picnic ...but nope...easy peasy with a Quinoa salad and a veggie burger!

What??? You've never heard of Quinoa!!! Well, its probably one of my most favorite super grains! Loaded with protein and also has been heard to help with headaches (don't quote me as I've never had a headache!) this lovely little grain can now actually be found in Cost-Co!

It's a snap to prep...1 part Quinoa to 2 parts water or broth...bring to a boil, cover and reduce to low and simmer for 15mins and voila!

Now I prefer my Quinoa chilled, in salads....but you can have it a substitute for a starch. But for some reason I think it has a better texture when chilled...kinda looks like couscous (easy to trick your husband this way). I like to chop up a bunch of raw veggies...cucumber, sugar snap peas, tomatoes etc. sometimes add a can of mixed beans...and whip up a nice salad dressing....pour over and mix and let it sort of marinate....its just perfect for those who are looking for a healthy alternative to starch or wheat! Just give it a try and experiment with different recipes on the net.

Dinner was veggie Kabobs with a grilled chicken I don't often eat smokies..and never eat hot dogs...but if we are bbqing at the beach or the need calls for it...I will only use Frebey products as they are well made, without preservatives, artificial flavors, gluten or lactose...have a wide variety of options and are delicious.

I may have another rice cake for a snack later on...and an early bed time for moi tonight as we are taking our little nieces out for the day tomorrow, and I think we will need all the energy we can possibly muster!


1 comment:

helen said...

Hi Heather! Just a quick heads up that Superstore also has an amazing selection of breads and drygoods for the celiacs in the world. They use rice flours too. You might want to give them a try. Good Luck!!