Friday, October 14, 2011

14 Days Overdue

Today I feel I feel I am learning so many great things from my pregnancy experience.  Our Doula sent me a very lovely email filled with some sage words of wisdom:

"Babies first lesson to their parents is taught in the timing and process of the birth. It teaches parents whatever they need to learn in order to parent that baby specifically. Patience, surrendering control. etc etc. This mental game is a great dress rehearsal for the birth. All the same aspects: tolerance, other peoples words swaying you in a vulnerable state, standing up for your wants and beliefs in the medical system, feeling out your trust and relationship with your Doula, bonding with your partner, challenging your own intuition. This is all part of birth, and you are going to be an expert at navigating it when baby does come"

I LOVE these words and they really got me thinking about this wee one is just like its mom and dad....causing controversy and making sure everyone is paying attention for when baby decides he/she would like to make its grand enterance. Not quietly, not descretely and certainly on its own terms.....I think this baby will actually command cheers from people upon arrival.

My dad said a few weeks ago he thought baby would come as a birthday gift to me and I gaffawed at that saying no way it would take that long....and yet tomorrow is my birthday, and what a gift that would be!

This baby has also allowed Ivan and I to really enjoy our time together as a couple...spending each day together  and enjoying so many wonderful moments.  The other day we walked all the way along the water to Granville Island where we gawked at all of the gorgeous foods, then went to our favorite fish and chip shack for lunch called Go Fish .  I have been watching some of my favorite cooking shows during the day and experimenting with recreating the food at night.  I have been able to fully stock our freezer with lots of delicous foods for when we are running on empty and don't want to cook.

Mostly this experience has taught me once again that very valuable lesson of living in the present (like my absolute favorite book The Power of Now taught me many years ago....but this lesson must be taught and taught again).  I felt nervous to go into our Doctors office yesterday...anticipating she would send me straight to the hospital to be induced....but quickly realized that there is a choice in everything we do...and there was no need for me to be nervous about the appointment for the past few days.  We spoke with both her and her resident (who we have also been seeing weekly) and she asked how I was feeling about being induced and I was very frank and said, so long as baby and I are testing fine then I am not interested at all.  They explained that the 10 days over rule is very universal in North America, but her practice strives to find a balance between the "medical rule" and providing quality "personalized" care.  This visit left me with an even greater amount of respect for my doctor than before.  I knew we chose her in the first place because she seemed very open to honest disscussion and natural birth...but hearing that she was in support of our decision to wait for the babies arrival (of course as long as the testing continues to come back fine) made me so very happy.

So we are off for a heart rate test (called a non-stress test) today....and then another accupuncture appointment this afternoon and we shall patiently await the grand enterance of baby while we enjoy!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Inducing Birth VS. Nature

So it turns out being over your "due" date is a bit of an emotional roller coaster.  I really didn't think it would be an issue as I figured the baby would be here by now (11 days past due date), but now doctor is talking induction...actually we are thankful it was a long weekend holiday because our date to talk induction would have been yesterday, but doc wasn't working.  I just don't see how the medical system can say that after 10 days a women must be induced....this leaves no room for nature to take its room for differentiation, no room for anything....and assumes that all babies and moms are the same. 

We booked an appointment later in the week with our doctor to give ourselves a bit more space and time and to allow nature to take its course.  I really do not want to be forced into labour via just seems wrong...especially when baby and I are doing just fine.  I may sound confident in my decision...however, it is OTHER people who are spewing their thoughts and beliefs, worries and fears onto me which is playing a larger toll on my mind than I realized.

I only came to acknowledging this because I had a major cry yesterday after hearing people say negative things....worrysome things about what I should do...or that I should be concerned....the lady at the grocery store today even put in her two cents....and because my brother is a doctor and we believe in completely opposite ends of the medical spectrum it lead to a very uncomfortable and emotional conversation for me.  I know he is just concerned and being that he is a doctor, would only get his information from other doctors (as he is a surgeon...not a obgyn) who follow the medical law and said that I should be very concerned at this point.

I got some major reassurance from our Doula last night, that she has clients who have gone up to 21 days past their due date and that for a first time Caucasian mom, this is totally normal.  So I went for some acupuncture today and got some herbs from Gaia Garden and some lovely words of wisdom.  The sweet, older gentleman who owns the store is so knowledgeable and he suggested Blue Cohosh Root to help get things going...he gave me some info to read about and apparently it has been used for hundreds of years to stimulate birth and to relax the uterus and act as a pain suppressant so it can be taken during labour as well.  He told me about his daughter who has taken this root for each of her four births and each baby was delivered naturally and beautifully...these are the words I needed/wanted to hear....I love hearing about positive birth stories and this was one for sure.  He said whatever I do, do not let them induce me adjust the dose of the Blue Cohosh accordingly if the doctor really starts to put the pressure on.

So tonight after another good cry in my Ivan's arms, I ate some delicious lasagna I had prepared, and relaxed in a soothing bath with candles and soft spa music and I am feeling much better.  I just wish people and their opinions would leave me alone and let this baby and me do what nature intended.  Funny, the only women who seem to totally get it is are those who had babies 30+ years ago....who never had the option of inducing, and allowed babies space and freedom to come when they women are on a schedule...a schedule that say's we know better than you and your body and all women are the same.  Funny that they allow for pre-mature births...I am surprised that they don't give you meds to keep the baby in longer if they don't feel its ready....probably the next thing to come....and would actually be more beneficial because there are so many more negative risks associated with pre-mature births....not really heard of many (or any) with babies being over their due date.

Anyway....just a little vent here...I know people only mean well....I just want what is best for me and my baby and deep down I don't believe that is a drug induced labour and birth.  I am so happy that Ivan and I are on the same page about this...and he has been such a huge support and my calm rock...he fully believes that my body knows what to do.  He switched off all of the phones tonight so I wouldn't be disturbed and soon I will go to sleep and hope that baby comes tonight.  Although tomorrow there is meant to be a full moon and apparently many babies are born on the occasion of a full I feel the time is near.

Until then I shall shut my mind off to others, and trust my instincts and just enjoy.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

8 Days Overdue!

Talk about a holding pattern!!!  Baby is officially 8 day's overdue and it sort of feels like he/she may never come.  Ivan equates our "due" date to Christmas coming and going, but there were no presents.  And each day that passes, we could be could be today...but nada.  My mama was here all week in great anticipation of the big moment, and unfortunately she had to leave this morning for a cruise that was booked over a year ago...but we did get a chance to spend some nice time together, long walks, cook nice meals and catching up over daily tea.

I am still feeling excellent and feel that the babe may come tomorrow....but heck you never know.  The doc says she only allows 10 days before she will induce...which I think is rediculous to have such a firm date of induction.  If the baby and placenta are fine and mom is healthy and fine why oh why does the medical system feel they need to treat everything with drugs...gotta speed things up.  Baby will come when baby is good and ready to come....besides there can be no exact "due dates" anyway....they go by what YOU tell them was the first day of your last period....I guessed as accurately as a person can...but I could have easily been off by 2 or 3 days...who pays attention to that stuff!!  And in speaking with doulas and those of the Midwifery mindset as well as many other women it seems it can be perfectly normal to be 2 or 3 weeks early or late...I do not want to be induced with meds and we will tell her just that...but hopefully it doesnt even come to you will discover an intervention such as Oxytocin to get things moving, generally leads to a slippery slope of other labour issues and eventually C-section. 

A Thanksgiving baby would be perfect...much to be Thankful for!!!  We had our "post-term" ultrasound to satisfy our doctor and give her a comfort level that everything is okay...which of course it is.  The technician said the baby and everything looks great, and it is looking very chill in must be because of the pre-natal yoga!

I went to class yeserday and was the "Queen" which made my hubby proud and me shed a wee tear of joy.  I love my yoga class so much and the teacher is just something extrodinary..she is also a birth doula so we do birth mantras and moving meditations to help teach us to perservere and build confidence (along with the other lunges and body strengthening movements)...we dance to James Brown and circle our hips to Bangra....its such a special class.  So each class she discoveres who is the "Queen" aka who is the furthest along in their pregnancy that day.  Last week when I was at 40 weeks, there were two other ladies at today I was the only lady at 41 you hear all of the "gasps" in the room.  But where else would a very pregnant woman want to be...but surrounded by 30 other beautiful pregnant and glowing women, dancing and ooohhhmmmming and building strength.

I must also say that having such an amazing husband has also made my pregnancy extremely delightful.  He rubs my feet daily and gives me shoulder, head and back massages, and is so encouraging its just awesome...we make a great team!

Well today we will be going to friends house for a big Thanksgiving supper which will be awesome...I LOVE Turkey dinner and Chris is such an amazing cook....hopefully the baby is just waiting for Turkey dinner too, and will then join us tomorrow.  Until then I intend to spend every precious moment with my wonderful hubby and just Enjoy!