Wow, its been over a month and a half since I last wrote....I CANT believe how quickly the time has flown by...and I miss writing so much, but there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day. Working at a 9-5 office job + being pregnant does not leave a lot of spare time. By the time I get home from work, I have to try and sort something out for dinner and then I must get my daily walk in and there is time to sit down briefly and then its time for early bed....not a lot of blogging time. I hope to be able to keep up and write once the baby arrives, so I can use my blog as sort of a journal for babies first year!
We only have 1 month left before our due date, and I am very excited. I don't feel that we have everything quite ready yet...but we are almost there and have a few more weekends to organize and prep. I hope to take a bit of time off work before my due date as well. Everything has been functioning well and I must say I feel very blessed that this pregnancy has been so delightful. The only "issues" I have experienced have been very annoying eczema on my fingers (the miracle cream I spoke about in an earlier blog only worked for about a week and then it came back with avengence!). So I have been suffering with that...and more recently my hips have started to throb during the I cleverly moved the big foamy from our sofabed and plopped it on top of our bed and have felt 99% better and able to sleep well (you can get them at Costco) for the 45 pee breaks during the night!
Baby has been another story....a bit of a monkey as our doctor says....placenta previa is what they call it, and now baby may be positioned the wrong way...we will be finding out about everything this week (I hope) and whether we can have a natural vaginal birth or not....I am PRAYING for a natural birth, as I simply do not want any alternatives...but I understand if it must be, it must long as baby arrives safely.
I certainly hope to write more in the weeks and months to real cravings to speak of....just trying to eat as cleanly as possible....until the next time....Enjoy!